CrocTail Help

Suggested Searches:

Tax Havens

Certain countries and jurisdictions have tax laws that are extremely favorable to corporations. But incorporating in these locations, companies can often avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
  • Try setting the filter to (a common tax haven country) and click
Which corporations appear in the search results?

U.S. National Commercial Banks

Recent events in the financial markets have demonstrated that the U.S. banking system is complex and difficult to understand due in part to the complicated networks of interlocking ownership.
  • Setting the industry filter to and the to and clicking will return a list of the major banks.
How do the depths of their various subsidiary trees compare to each other?


Enter part of a company name to search for a corporation.

Search Results

Choose a name in the list of search results to display the associated corporate hierarchy, locations, and issue information for the corporation. In each name, the part of the name matching the search term will be shown in bold. Clicking a search result will display the most recent filing information available for that company.

Company Profile

You can examine how a company changes over time by moving through its filings. The list of available filing years is displayed in the company profile immediately underneath the company name. The currently displayed year is shown in a green box. The information shown in the profile, the locations on the map, and the subsidiary tree all reflect the state of the company indicated on the filings for that year. Clicking on a different year will update the displays with the appropriate information for that time period. The profile displays information for the currently selected company and provides a way to move between the filings for each year

Moving Between Years

Subsidiary Tree

Displays the corporate hierarchy associated withe the selected company in the form of an org chart.

Subsidiary Location Map

The map displays the address or jurisdiction of incorporation of each company in the selected corporate hierarchy.